
Risks and effects of a very low calorie diet

367 ViewsWondering which diet is the most effective? Are you afraid of wasting your time and gaining back the weight you took so long to lose? normal to ask them. We are here to help you. Already, we can answer…


454 ViewsFrom shrinking pores to DIY skincare – we’re sure you already know plenty of stories that seemed like they might work to treat a specific skin problem. It may be tempting to try that “quick fix” someone told you…

Is the low calorie diet effective for weight loss?

447 ViewsWhen we talk about low calorie diet, we mean the fact of restricting ourselves to the level of calories that we take on a daily basis so that the body draws on our reserves. To understand this type of…

Introduction to plastic surgery

466 ViewsDiscover the article Principles of plastic surgery which gives a very original vision of the essence of the profession, and introduces the encyclopedia Plastic surgery brings together cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery (CPRE). The plastic surgeon has a therapeutic…

How to choose a good dentist?

366 ViewsI have often noticed that many people come to see me at the laboratory so that I can advise them on a good dentist, that I give them the address and the telephone number of a good dentist. I…

How to choose the right dental center?

369 ViewsAlthough underestimated, dental disorders affect a large number of people around the world. Indeed, according to statistics, nearly 3.5 billion people are affected by oral diseases.  To thwart this trend, several dental centers have been erected in France. Thus,…

How have cardiovascular treatments evolved over the years?

344 ViewsSince we covered some of the more common cardiovascular diseases in our last article, we thought it would be interesting to review how they were previously treated. Medical research and the resulting practical recommendations are evolving; not surprisingly, the…

The origins and evolution of plastic surgery around the world

348 ViewsToday, plastic surgery is part of our daily lives. We see many celebrities who do not hesitate to go under the knife to meet the standards of society . But since when do we practice cosmetic surgery and since…

Don’t Be Fooled By These Five Skincare Myths

407 ViewsIf you pay attention to current trends in beauty and health, you know that skincare is undergoing a real revolution: you have access to more brands, products and tools to better ensure the health of your skin. However, this…