weight loss
Weight Loss

Is the low calorie diet effective for weight loss?


When we talk about low calorie diet, we mean the fact of restricting ourselves to the level of calories that we take on a daily basis so that the body draws on our reserves. To understand this type of diet, you need to know some keys to be able to achieve maximum efficiency.

How to do a low calorie diet?

Start by setting a weight loss goal . It must be reasonable and in accordance with your morphology. Whether accompanied by a dietician, an expert nutritionist, or alone, setting a goal allows you to keep a certain motivation. Thus, you can record your progress from day to day, from week to week and you have an overview of what you have to do to reach your goal.

The second step, and not the least, is to follow your new diet to the letter. Stop your bad habits and limit industrial dishes, products that are too rich in fat and sugar. Prefer foods rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, etc.), good omega 3 (in vegetable oils, for example rapeseed oil), good lipids (olive oil).

Vary your sources of starchy foods (rice, pasta, sweet potato …by favoring wholemeal, semi-complete, whole grains…) and protein (eggs, red meat, white meat, fish…) so you don’t get tired of your plates. And drink water!

Also bet on aromatic herbs that will bring different flavors to your dishes. If you feel the need to be guided in your new diet, go read the article “ Slimming foods to favor on a daily basis ”.

How many calories per day (calculation for women and men)? For how long ?

In order to maintain this diet over the long term, it is important to diversify your diet as part of a food rebalancing . Indeed, the fact of restricting oneself in the quantity of food ingested can cause frustration, which is why it is necessary to vary the pleasures.

In terms of duration, it is not recommended to carry out this diet for more than a year to avoid “yoyo” effects. At the end of this diet, you must begin to readjust these daily calories gradually in order to have the necessary energy intake.

How to properly accompany your diet so that it is the most simple and effective? Sport, stress management, sleep…

Once you have implemented a whole new way of eating, healthier and more reasoned, you can adapt your lifestyle to continue on the same path.

Combining a healthy lifestyle with a low-calorie, balanced diet will make the difference in your weight loss. But what does adopting a healthy lifestyle mean?

In addition to a balanced diet, several criteria are taken into account to set up a healthier lifestyle :

Stress management:

It is essential to learn how to manage stress in order to live healthier. Indeed, in the face of stress, the urge to snack is very often felt. There is a scientific reason behind this fact: stress causes the secretion of a hormone, cortisol. And cortisol is a hormone, along with ghrelin, causing hunger. This is why the irrepressible urge to eat happens when you are anxious. To counter this effect, learn to manage your stress. To do this, try meditation, yoga, sports, reading…

The sleep :

When you sleep enough, the body produces an anorectic hormone: leptin. The more you sleep, the more the body produces this hormone, known as satiety. When the body lacks sleep, it produces less leptin and the body therefore finds it more difficult to feel satiety at the end of a meal, which leads to wanting to refill and thus to gain weight. If you want to know more about the correlation between sleep and obesity, read the article “ Are sleep and obesity linked? “.

How to lose 5 pounds fast? How to lose 10 pounds fast?

To lose weight, no secret: motivation and rigor . However, be careful with the term “quickly”. Do not rhyme speed and haste. It is better to take your time to lose your excess pounds and thus ensure their disappearance, rather than rush headlong and risk regaining your pounds very quickly because of the yoyo effect.

If you are interested in losing 5 or 10 kilos, read the following articles: “ How to lose 5 kilos easily? » and « How to lose 10 kilos? “.

What is the ideal and easy diet/program to lose 20 kg?

If you want to tackle a substantial weight loss of 20kg, do not take things lightly. Losing this much weight represents an extreme change for the body and it is recommended to be accompanied by a health professional to optimize your chances of achieving this loss. If you have a weight loss goal of 20 kg, see our article “How to lose 20 kg?” » .

To conclude,

For a low-calorie diet to be really effective in the long term, set yourself a weight loss goal and don’t put pressure on yourself if you’re struggling to lose weight early on. Once your diet has started, follow it to the letter with adapted meals. Rigor and motivation will be the watchwords. Supplement your diet with exercise, good stress management and as much sleep as possible. With all these weight loss tips , you put the odds on your side. Don’t forget the stabilization phase which will allow you to maintain your results over the long term. Discover more tips to lose weight in 1 month !